Sunday, September 16, 2007

Republican Candidate questions

SSI Version1
The 2007 Social Security Administration's annual report estimates that if we do not raise Social Security premiums, benefits will need to be cut by 25% starting in 2041. Since even Republicans do not want their own SSI benefits cut, simple arithmetic indicates that we must raise SSI insurance premiums to pay for the benefits we all want.

The same report estimates that increasing social security premiums by 2% from 12.4% to 14.4% will insure that we continue to receive 100% of due benefits after 2041. You are all on record as being against raising SSI premiums and against cutting benefits so where is the money going to come from? Santa Claus?

SSI Version2
To fully fund SSI beyond 2041 we have two basic options. If we do nothing, we will be forces to cut benefits by 25% in 2041. This will primarialy effect those who are under40. To insure full benefits, we can raise premiums by 2% of wages. Another option is to gamble with these SSI trust fund and invest it in wall street. What kind of man are you? Are you man enough to 'face the music' and raise premiums to pay for what we want? Or are you more of a gambler? Do you prefer to gamble with our money by investing in risky stocks in the hopes of getting a better return than securities? Or are you the kind of coward who prefers to let others face the consequences as they come due?

1) Pay for your meal.
2) Let your kids pay
3) Go to jail

SSI Version3
Many of us count on social security income for our retirement. After paying into it for our entire working lives, most Americans want to receive full SSI benefits which currently average just $1000 per month. If we do nothing, we will be forced to cut benefits by 25% in 35 from now in 2041.

To prevent this benefit cut, requires that we raise premiums by 2% of wages.

If it was your retirement, would you pay an additional 2% for full benefits or do you prefer a 25% lower income when you retire?

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